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Appknox On-Premise Security Deployments: Tackling Mobile App Security for Governmental Institutes Globally

July 28, 2021

As per recent studies, the government cloud market stood at USD 22.86 billion in 2020 and is projected to hit the USD 59.74 billion mark by 2026. The predicted CAGR is 17.4% over the forecast period, and this has spurred a systematic opening of government data around the globe.

As the government data is on the rise, a major portion is still lying in a heap of offline documents and files, that might take years for full incorporation into the digital databases.

However, this is not the only challenge when it comes to the management, storage, export, processing, and migration of government data.

Security, coherency, and robustness emerge as some of the major forces, and security has become even more crucial after the SolarWinds fiasco of the US Government.

In such a scenario, the on-premise security deployment emerges as a reliable and smart solution for all the government institutes globally.

Appknox, a leading security solutions provider in the world, offers highly streamlined, safe, smart, and intuitive on-premise security deployments in different forms for all types and all scales of government institutions.

Fostering Agility and Efficiency With on-Premise Security Deployment

While cloud infrastructure offers its own benefits in terms of capital, resources and staffing requirements, and scalability, security becomes a major concern. The entire sentiment around data confidentiality and security becomes sterner when we think of government institutes, where a data compromise signals a huge wave of diplomatic changes.

With such dire requirements of security and safety, the On-premise security solutions from Appknox emerge as the perfect security cover for all types of Government institutions. It offers highly reliable, robust, and smart security solutions with access to all CI-CD tools, real-time DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing), and the market place which supports all major integrations with developer and project management tools.

The govt offices have to work on many different schemes, policies, and regulations that might require accessing multiple databases in real-time. For example, take the Indian UID or Aadhar Card, which is connected with tens of other databases. When the staff knows that all the accessing and processing of data is safe and confidential, the main focus is on working.

Further, no third party can view the data operations when they are being done under the cover of on-premise security deployments.

The govt institutions can operate without the internet, and lower down their monthly internet costs as well. The improved security is a given and the staff has better and more stringent control over the server hardware.

This also ensures higher work efficiency as well.

Governmental Institutes and Their Preference Towards on-Premise Security Deployments

As discussed above, security and data confidentiality are of paramount importance in government institutions. Appknox offers highly customizable security solutions that can align themselves with the scale and modification requirements of all types of clients, including government institutions.

Further, the government institutions also have to comply with all the emerging compliances, and regulations pertaining to data localization and digitalization. For example, the Indian government has increased the pace of digitalization across all the offices and operating units.

With the introduction of the GI-Cloud “Meghraj”, the government gave a more unified and tangible direction to all the offices in this regard.

With the ever-changing landscape of security compliances, having credible and robust on-premise security deployment solutions from Appknox can reduce the burdens of the IT staff to a great degree.

Apart from offering 100% control of institutional privacy, it offers smart and intuitive functionalities that enable better management of regulations and compliances, etc. 

The Journey so Far and the Road Ahead

Harshit Agrawal and Subho Halder (founders of Appknox) started with a clear vision of securing mobile apps with static, dynamic, API, and manual testing to ensure 360-degree protection cover.

Now, 7 years down the road, Appknox is the most powerful plug and play security platform in the world that has:

  • Been working for security deployments with the government of various countries, namely – India, Middle East, South East, US, and UK.
  • Helped 50,000+ mobile apps to identify and resolve vulnerabilities
  • Worked with numerous Fortune 500 enterprises

It offers products for:

Appknox also offers real-time DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing), which is one of the leading offerings in the security sector and is also an ioXT Alliance member, an authority of security in IoT environments. Furthermore, it is on its way to being an authorized lab for the ioXt Alliance, which adds another star to its shoulder.

The majority of the governmental institutes looking for Vulnerability Assessments at Appknox come from the US, Middle East, APAC, and European Regions. Even though many of the security firms have issues with catering to on-premise deployments outside their regions, we have successfully been doing it at a faster pace with no stones left unturned.

We are also increasing partnerships to increase the reach, and making sure governmental institutes are secured and safe from any threats or vulnerabilities.

Appknox is a name that wields trust, security, and an incorruptible promise of 100% privacy and security with an on-premise security deployment that never falls prey to compromises and is the best digitalization partner of governments all over the world.

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